To practice mindfulness and observation, ask students to record something in slow motion and record their observations. These observations can be related to the video or to what they notice in their bodies. This was recorded by a 6th grader enjoying his snow day. It was not related to an assignment- just his own curiosity!
For a similar mindfulness impact, follow the Macrofying account on YouTube to see a zooming in on common objects. It allows for a perspective shift and expanded curiosity.
For a similar mindfulness impact, follow the Macrofying account on YouTube to see a zooming in on common objects. It allows for a perspective shift and expanded curiosity.
There are many different breathing techniques you can practice for mindfulness and to change up your energy. Try box breathing and see how you feel. Was it easy? Did you notice you were rushing to the next step?
This paper was referenced in our Educator SEL-f Care session.
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